With many years in the industry Helen Coates Aesthetics aims to provide first class treatments leaving you looking your very best
With many years in the industry Helen Coates Aesthetics aims to provide the very best aesthetic treatments. Helen and her team recognises every client is different and therefore all customers are met on an individual basis. Helen shares her 25 years of knowledge and experience in the beauty industry with Essential Rossendale Valley.
Helen explains why microblading is such a popular treatment “Microblading is a semi-permanent treatment that gently introduces pigment into the skin by creating tiny hair strokes that mimic the natural hair of the eyebrow. This treatment can be used to create a brow for people with no eyebrow hair, to enhance faint eyebrows or to create a perfect fuller brow. Everyone can benefit from this amazing treatment; the brows can look as natural or as full as each individual wants.”
All customers will have a initial consultation where the beauty expert will look at the existing brows and face shape to advise on the best brow look. A refresh is only needed every 12-18 months which is the main reason many women love this treatment!
Laser hair removal (ILP) is another incredibly popular treatment. Helen tells me: “This is the most effective method of hair removal available that can be used on most areas of the face and body. We recommend a course 6 to 10 treatments (depending on the area) every 4 weeks.

Popular areas treated are bikini line, under arm, facial hair (lip chin neck), legs, chest and back (men). Unlike other methods such as waxing and shaving IPL offers long term lasting results. The hair is targeted at specific times during the hair growth cycle to prevent hair from returning. IPL can also be used effectively in the removal of Hyper Pigmentation and unwanted red veins and capillaries on the face.
Helen also offers an extensive aesthetic treatment list:
- Wrinkle Relaxing Treatments. Used in the top half of the face to eliminate crows feet, forehead lines (frontal) and frown lines (Glabella) this is the most popular treatment and promotes the youthful and fresh appearance
- Profhilo, Jalupro & HMW (collagen booster)
- Aqualix (fat eliminator for stubborn pockets of fat on face and body)
- Mesotherapy (skin needling) treats fine lines, wrinkles scarring and pigmentation.
- Electrolysis (short wave diathermy used for mole and skin tag removal)
- Laser Hair Removal (LPL)
- Skin Rejuvenation. treatments for skin resurfacing and firming
- Vitamin B12 boost. Increases energy, prevents tiredness and much more
- Biotin Injections – also known as vitamin H helps with hair loss dull skin forgetfulness
- Mdik8 Professional Peels. Promotes and stimulate collagen and elastin, exfoliates to produce a new youthful skin
- Microblading – eliminate your peach fuzz and enjoy deep exfoliation.
- Semi Permanent Make-up including eye brows, eye liner and lip enhancement.
- Eye Envy – Eye lash growth stimulator.
All the above treatments require a consultation prior to appointment.
Watch this space for new treatments coming soon include:
- Plasmablast – Professional wrinkle reduction and skin tightening treatment
- Scelotherapy – The removal of unwanted veins by injecting a sclerosing solution that immediately shrinks the vein which dissolves over a period of weeks.
Exclusive Offers Througout August!
Microblading was £250 For August only NOW £200
Follow the beauty experts on Facebook or Instagram for beauty tips and latest offers!

602 Burnley Road
01706 216279
Facebook @HelenCoatesAesthetics
Instagram @helencoatesaesthetics